Dave – VON Sakura House
November 7, 2024 in Donations /by Sonya BeimersDave's Day at VON Sakura House
Dave spent his volunteer day at VON’s Sakura House Hospice in Woodstock. He met with Brittany Bratt and her team, as well as the volunteers at the house.
Dave volunteered his time on their AGM and Thank you Day for regular volunteers. He spent his day cleaning and setting up the ballroom in the basement of the house for the events, and cleaning up and putting away everything at the end. By assisting, Dave was able to give the regular volunteers time to enjoy the Thank you.
Dave met with multiple volunteers, employees and board members to learn what the home did for its patients and guests.
Our donation will be used to assist with the purchase of supplies, ingredients and equipment for the volunteers in the Kitchen Group to prepare snacks & meals for the guests and patients at the home.
The kitchen has a “Wish Tree” where they hang cards with items needed and desired for the kitchen such as baking supplies, snack foods, nuts, coffee & tea, travel size toiletries such as mouthwash & toothpaste for those that left home without them, etc.
Multiple volunteers are always need for things such as yard care, greeting staff, patient companions, as well as kitchen help.