Alicia’s Donation Story

Andrea’s Donation Story

Barb’s Donation Story

Barb Bode, is our Accounts Receivable here at Tradition, has decided to donate to Pine Grove Public School in St. Catharines. Pine Grove Public School is a K-8 school in the northern end of the city of St. Catharines. There is roughly 400 students attending one of 17 classes in the school. The school promotes inclusivity, tolerance and respect where students can learn and develop to reach their full potential.

Barb became associated with the school when her grandson became a student there. The school has been trying to raise money for an accessible playground so that all kids can enjoy playtime. Playtime should be fun for all and that we are better together!

Tradition fully supports the idea that everyone should be able to enjoy the equipment and have fun; kids should be allowed to be kids, no matter what!Barb's Donation

Janelle's Donation

Janelle’s Donation Story