Kelly – Kirkton Agricultural Society

Kelly's Day at the Kirkton Fair

The Kirkton Fall Fair/Kirkton Ag. Society showcases agriculture in the local community. Their organization provides education and opportunities through their 4-H and Junior Farmers groups, and explores new opportunities through learning.

Kelly selected this organization because she grew up here and continues to live in this community. Her time volunteering with the Ag Society was spent putting up security fences, organizing the education tent, moving straw bales, setting up the community centre (to help display local talent!), as well as clean up and take down duties.

“I would do this again in a heartbeat. Supporting my local community is near and dear.”

Pictured from left to right: Jo-Dee Hern, Director at Large; Kelly Wheeler, Tradition Mutual Employee; Catherine Liscumb, Past President of Kirkton Fall Fair; Becca Gibson, President of Kirkton Fall Fair